Whether we like to admit it or not, every girl has at the very least given a cursory though to what kind of dress she'll wear on her wedding day. Even if you're not a big believer in weddings, being able to wear something stunning which encapsulates the feeling of sunshine radiating from every pore in your body is marked by the dress that you wear. I myself have always though I would wear a vintage lace wedding dresses but it can be really difficult finding a vintage wedding dress in good condition which fits well. As a bit of a guilty pleasure I've been looking at the Landybridal website for some quick wedding inspiration:
The range of wedding dresses 2016 are equally beautiful, and it's always important to see the full range of dresses, but also, dress to suit your body type. If by chance you happen to be the mother of the bride, Landybridal are also offering 20% off on all mother of the bride dresses.