Wearing: Thrifted blouse and scarf, Target shorts and Dr Martens boots.
It's no secret that I love mixing prints, but normally I'm more comfortable wearing a lot more colour. Unless of course it's the middle of semester, I forgo washing my hair, I have an assignment due and some kind of presentation to give. In which case clothing isn't part of the equation and I become the most basic human being and more or less exist rather than actually live. So it felt a little strange and somewhat challenging coming up with a cool outfit in a neutral colour palette. I've been dying to buy some silk scarves since I saw the 'How to tie a neck scarf' video by Man Repeller on Youtube (for you intellectuals out there, you can also read the blog post here) Now I obviously lack the cool sunglasses needed to complete this look, as well as any sign of pigment as evidenced by my moon face and long pale legs, but it's still just as effective. Also I feel like I was unconsciously channeling Chloë Sevigny Fall 2012 campaign for Miu Miu. Minus the amazing boots, David Bowie make up and cropped hairdo.