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July/August 2012

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Honestly what could be a better name to this post? I have so many things to write about, so diverse in subject, they should at least be able to fit into a certain time frame!

The Olympics (no, not the results table- the outfits)

The event on everybody's lips, on everyone's phones. And if you were awake for the opening ceremony, you must have noticed some incredible, chic and bizarre things in a couple of countries' respective outfits. Here's a selection:

Netherlands: I quite liked their orange-blue colour combinations.

Classics: The Italians and French were fully geared in suits. Simple, minimal but chic, though slightly too conservative, but still - what better choice to represent their countries?

Czech Republic: Those galoshes and umbrellas paired with the short-suit. Just a little too eccentric for me.

Spain: Red and yellow are spanish colours, to be sure, but the combination of both was ill done, and too reminiscent of McDonalds (same thing applies to the athletes kit).

Canada: I hope this doesn't sound mean but come on; the sweaters are reminiscent of those found in a university campus.

Great Britain: The outfits were so unflattering (and not designed by Stella McCartney by the way) and looked so tacky, and what is with the gold armpits?!


My favourite athletes' gear is from the Jamaican team, designed by Cedella Marley. It was fun, sporty, definitely not classic nor conservative.

My second favourite is Stella McCartney's design for the GB athletes.

Look at Jessica Ennis' abs! That's motivation enough to head straight to the gym!

Some notes made in the UK fashion wise this Summer

After the massive 70% off sales, each store's new collection started arriving by the end of July. If I were to choose a common theme, it would be Army-Utilitarian inspired; it was everywhere, from Topshop to Zara.

For those of us who have to save up and can't afford to just discard things after one season, then by all means avoid camouflage and stick to colour combinations of cream and olive, with gold detail. Little details that show you are on trend. Take example from Topshop Unique Fall 2012 collection - beautiful, on trend, wearable pieces.

All images below from Style.com: Topshop Unique Fall 2012 Collection

I am so in love with the coat above.

Other than that, same old, really. British women are not afraid to dress explosively, with daring colour/print combinations, and then the usual thing of baggy tops tucked into super short shorts, tights+shorts+tshirt+converse/ballet flats outfit etc.

One thing that was just plain aggressive to the eye was short shorts. Not the type that hit just-just-just the bottom of your, er, bottom. I'm talking about those that were slashed into  basically a V shape, where you could see a lot of butt cheek. Yes its summer and yes, you have a perfectly toned butt but please, its just tasteless. Perhaps I'm just conservative, but really it is just needless exhibition.

The latest editorials and campaigns

You can see all of my favourites on my pinterest page (if you haven't joined already see that you do!), as well as the latest and best in fashion editorials.

Next week I'm analysing the Animal Skin/Fur trade in Fashion (it was to be for today but I'm still doing research!)

Have an awesome week and weekend!

Email: stylemauritius@live.com



Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/stylemauritius/



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