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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

In case you were wondering if I had just gone off attending fashion shows and posting regularly I am here to assure you that this is NOT THE CASE IN THE LEAST.

The reason that I have had problems posting, that I was pretty much missing this past month was because... I wasn't in the country!I was in the UK for a couple of weeks. Back now.

But obviously just announcing my travel plans and dates is a major security risk, so I didn't say anything. I'm not on Facebook anymore either, which some of you may have noticed (but still on twitter!).

I'm currently preparing a new blog post on the following subjects (there are a lot, but hey, there's a lot to catch up!):

  • Animal Fur/Skin Trade in Fashion - A sort of analysis (with the help of Sham Jolimie!)
  • The Olympics (no, not the results table- the outfits)
  • The latest editorials and campaigns
  • Some notes made in the UK fashion wise this Summer.




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