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She's a Rainbow

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wearing: Romance Was Born jacket, Discount Universe shirt, Asos skirt  and Dr Martens boots.

The highlight of my week was when my geologist friends called quartz a *basic bitch*. Now I have a piece of quartz but it was given to me as a gift by my big brother. Nonetheless! I wanted to create an outfit in defense of the most common component of our Earth, silica. Let me make one thing clear though, quartz does not offer any health benefits and amethyst can't cure a nasty hangover (unfortunately). It does however make a very cute prop for photos and lends itself to the psychedelic mind-bending period of the 1960s. I hate festival style as much as the next person but I do love the idea of wearing a rainbow outfit in the middle of Winter and basking in the rare rays of sunshine in the comfort of my very own garden. It also gave me the chance to wear this amazing shirt from Discount Universe and cite the premise of one of Susie Bubble's most recent outfits post Seven Colours Take 2. I couldn't quite get the quartz crystal to cast a rainbow on my face but I did have a lot of fun trying!
1- road trip photo diary by Chrissie White for Rookie Mag, 2- Bobbi Kelly and Nick Ercoline Woodstock 1969, shot by Burk Uzzle. 4-
Devin Troy Strother (Rob Pruitt x Cory Arcangel x Walead Beshty x A Sad Face x 0 Michael Jordans). 8- Rookie Mag Summer of Love, Part One, 9- Rookie Road Trip Diary- Week One. 13 & 14- We followed the sun via Rookie Mag. 6 & 11- Miracle Eye May lookbook 'Electric Ladyland'. 



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