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Au Revoir - At least, for Now

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First off, I would like to thank all my readers. All of you, from the 200 per week when I started last year to the 7,000 per week now. You who encouraged me to write, who told me off when I hadn't gotten things right. Most of all, you who supported me and helped me grow as a person.

I have met some absolutely wonderful people, and some not so nice ones. To all of you, thank you for this adventure.

I started the blog back in 2011, at a time where I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do, or what I should do. I didn't want to go study economics and finance, though there was tons of pressure on me to do so, so I turned to writing - something I have always loved but never considered seriously as a career. My blog was not only a way to transmit my love for fashion, but also my first creative writing platform. Taking courage, I took a gap year and jumped headfirst into journalism.

Thank you for all the media coverage!!

Since the beginning of 2011, it has been quite a ride. I was lucky enough to start the blog right when the interest in local fashion boomed, so there were tons of events to go to, lots of people to meet.

I will leave very soon for the UK, where I shall study English Literature and Philosophy for three years. I can't exactly write about the industry and the happenings of this microcosm 6000 miles away, so this shall be my last post - for now, at least. Who knows what may happen if I come back...

So for now, some parting advice.

To Fashion Designers (up-coming, established, students)
Keep going. I know its a small market, and you are competing directly against sweatshop factories and the like. But I am convinced that gradually, Mauritians will value quality rather than quantity, and will be influenced by the number of expatriates coming into the country that have this quality v/s quantity culture. You all have the possibility of making a name for yourselves; start by becoming the fashion focus of Africa, then the Indian Ocean. Help each other out, work together, become a close knit community.

To Fashion Photographers
Know your place, know where you are, what skills you have and those you lack. Work very hard at establishing yourselves, but never claim to be better than you really are. It's unfortunate that I was never able to compile a list of who's who in the fashion photography business here, I hope someone will.
Take all the internship opportunities available. Travel the world, learn!

To Models
Public interest may be very high, but don't go into this industry searching for your 15 minutes of fame. Don't become a diva (this is unfortunately the case for many girls I know). You are here to sell a product, to bring a concept to life, not to promote your own image, nor to become popular. 

Keep your morals and standards high at all times.

The best agency in Mauritius is Carrera Model Management.  
The next best is Gold Models (more contracts for more commercial jobs), though Carrera offers better conditions for its models (the model comes first in image rights as well as in payment).

Carrera offers hard-as-diamond contracts, and works with those who have a solid resume behind them, those who are established. Carrera also protects the rights of its models and works hard to defend these rights.

Otherwise, agencies here are a mess. Some are too busy organising photo shoots for their own agency without getting any actual work done, some have problems concerning payment, others simply don't know what they are doing.

And for the record this whole "freelancer model" thing is ridiculous. If every model signed up to a particular agency, things would be much smoother for everybody. You can't run after every contract, putting your interests before those of the whole industry. You are part of the system, and all parts are equal.

To local Fashion Magazines
Essentielle and Lifestyle may not be fashion magazines per se, but they know how to organise their material properly. Lifestyle have considerably improved their editorials and is the magazine to read right now. 
Those who have recently launched their fashion magazines should take note; you need years and years of experience before launching a magazine, lest even working in one. Research is all important. You cannot go into this without having at least worked in the journalism industry for a considerable number of years, mastering your craft, learning from people more experienced than yourself, learning how the industry as a whole works.

To Everyone
Thank you for reading!
Be Mauritian, buy Mauritian - Support the industry.
For the best spectacles and sunglasses and eye tests, go to Monoptica.
Need a tailor-made dress for a special occasion? Alexandra Juglall (Alexandra Doigts de Fee) is one of the best couturieres around.
Buy a HOPE pendant.
To sharpen your mind, meditate on death.
Don't pose and pout in pictures unless its your job - stay natural. Avoid the duck-face at all costs.
Switch to mineral based foundation and cosmetics - changed my life.
Live well, laugh every day, enjoy every second, be nice, and remain strong in all things.
Never give up.


Email: stylemauritius@live.com


Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/stylemauritius/



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