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Because I was so inspired...

Monday, October 29, 2012

I absolutely HAD to post these shots of Karen Pang's Wild Child album. This is undoubtedly her best work so far, everything is so appealing, so magical, so absolutely gorgeous. Stunning can't even begin to describe this.

Photography: Karen Pang
Model: Eve Isambourg
Outfits: Florens Boutique
Assistant: Billy Chan

It's so refreshing to see a new face as well - Eve Isambourg is absolutely gorgeous, she has this fairy-like, ethereal quality to her. Beautiful facial expressions. 

Other than that...
University life seems to be going pretty well so far - I am extremely busy with the workload, but it's all so rewarding! A staple look for Autumn is a utilitarian themed jacket paired with skinny jeans and (ankle or otherwise) boots.

The gloves are starting to come out, the leaves are turning red and falling en masse. I wonder what my first true winter will be like. I can't wait.




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