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Misconceptions Part 3: There is only One way

Thursday, May 17, 2012

And by one way, I mean there is only one way to 'adopt' fashion or 'be' fashionable (ugh I feel weird just writing this. But this is a misconception that must be cleared up!)

There is NO ONE WAY.

Because fashion is individual to each person.

Few fashion bloggers show extremely interesing,artistic outfits as Susie Bubble. You need an incredibly aesthetic eye to put together such a perfect, original outfit, that goes way beyond just finding out what suits you, and which enters the realm of what impact an outfit has on the wearer and on the observer.

Before getting on to serious business though, I would like to sincerely thank Khatleen Minerve and Radjiv Dave who sent me beautiful articles on the subject so that I was better informed before writing. Thank you!

I was originally going to write a whole essay on how what is in fashion is epitomised by a particular decade and that the events of that decade really help shape fashion, but it would be getting too far off the subject (next time, guys). For now, all you need to know is that there is no singular definition of beauty of fashion.

In the 80s, Vivienne Westwood was instrumental in bringing about the punk revolution, continuing to this day to subvert traditional notions of dress. To this day, various game changers in the fashion industry have shown that exploring different ways of dressing, well away from the mainstream, is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged. This has given rise to Alternative fashion, which basically defines anything that has at one period of time stood out from the mainstream. 

From those that decided that their skin shall be the emblem of their artistic soul, to those that proudly wear purple hair. To those that want to live, be, art. 
Once people understand that it is not a crime to either follow trends, or shun them, or adopt something completely different, I think people will be more accepting towards each other. It's all about artistic expression.

Now some of you may be going "I am so totally confused right now." What I want to show by the following images are the different ways people express themselves-some may call it alternative, some may not. In any case, its different from 'mainstream'(whatever that is).

Events such as the Met Gala and the Cannes Film Festival traditionally showcase a whole bevvy of gorgeous women, wearing stunning dresses. 
Met Gala 2012

They are beautiful dresses, that make these women look stunning. It's a ball after all.

But in my opinion, fabric conveys a better image when its intention was not primarily to make the woman look good.

Comme des Garcons Fall 2012/2013

This really conveys a simple, devastating image: I am covered, yet I am exposed. I draw attention to me, without drawing attention to my body. I am a symbol.

Modelling agents shunned from tattooed models. Now it is desired. No-one is more 'it' than Bradely Soileau right now.

Before him, there was Alice Delall, who had the ingenuousness in shaving half her hair off.

Kat Von D and Nikki Sixx broke whatever taboos were left concerning body art:

And here is the institution of the punk-rock revolution: Vivienne Westwood

Here come the bloggers:

Tavi Gevinson, who doesn't follow trends:

Arabelle Sicardi, of the powerful statement style:

The incredible Gala Darling:

Fashion is for everyone. So is style.
It's refreshing to see some change than the usual, traditionally composed outfit, non? A word of warning: pulling off an outfit a la Susie Bubble takes time and patience in order to get each piece perfectly working with the other. But it is totally worth it.


Email: stylemauritius@live.com




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