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Fashion Photography Contest

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Presenting the most professional Fashion Photography Contest ever held in the country, which will help evolve our fashion industry. Take note!

It's main aim is to promote fashion photographers in Mauritius. Emma Grigoryan will be the chief judge, in association with Sanjeet Boolell, The House of Haute Couture Lionnet & Fauzou as well as Mathis Models Ltd.

You are eligible for registration as long as you fulfil the following requirements:
  • You must be a photographer: amateur or professional no matter what your experience level. 
  • The photographer can be of any age
  • The photographer must have their own gear
  • He or she must be of Mauritian nationality or currently residing in Mauritius at the time during which the contest will be held.

Registration is open as from Friday 13th April 2012 at 14:00 uptil Monday 30th April 2012 at 17:00.

For registration details and more on the steps, click here and here.

First step (1st-7th May) : The photos of the participants are uploaded on the contest page where the public is encouraged to like and-(here is the major difference from all the other like contests)-comment and critique the photos, as all constructive criticism and comments will be taken into consideration by Emma Grigoryan before making her selection of the four best fashion photographers.

Second Step: The four best fashion photographers selected by the jury will be announced on Wednesday 9th May at noon on the official page of the Fashion Photography Contest. They will be then called to the atelier of Lionnet & Fauzou on the 10th May at 11:00 to discuss details and come up with a brief for the two shoots to be executed on the 12th and 13th of May.

The four finalists will have to shoot with the models and the outfits that Mathis Model (who will provide the models) and the designers Lionnet & Fauzou (outfits worn by the female models) and Sanjeet Boolell (outfits to be worn by the male models) will provide for the shoot. The photographer will be left to decide the location and concept of the shoot.

After the shoot, the four photographers have to have finished working on their two best pictures by the 14th of May and have e-mailed the images to fashionphotocontest@gmail.com by 21:00h latest.

The proclamation of the winner will be announced on Thursday, 17th of May, 2012. The winner will be able to collaborate once again with the designers and Mathis Models for a shoot of his or her own conception (which is great as sometimes, costs can get pretty high) and will benefit from extensive media coverage in addition to the winner's final shoot being showcased on the contest's Facebook page.

As I am on the subject of all things photography, remember the article on En Mode?

Here's a couple of shots of the latest of their collaborations:

The Ballerina Project


And here are some individual projects that they have produced recently. Very powerful photos that speak for themselves. Click click click!

Damnation-Siddick Mohamed a.k.a Demonode's Moe

 Forest Voice-Brian Dean

Two shots from Karen Pang have incredibly inspired me this month: This shot is from an older album named La Nina Preciosa. I shivered when I saw it, very, very powerful.

And also a more recent portfolio shoot:

 Khatleen Minerve grows from strength to strength and this shot for Lionnet & Fauzou exemplifies how far she has come-what a perfect shot!
This is just in: Brian Dean will leave Mauritius in a few months to work as an Assistant Photographer in Vogue India. How incredible is that?! 

And one article definitely worth your time, from a blog I adore: Style Bubble: Lost Civilisations

Have an awesome week and weekend!



Email: stylemauritius@live.com




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